Sunday, February 12, 2012

Old Friends, New places, New lives New faith

I am so excited. I bought my tickets tonight to go visit an old friend, See our relationship started because of 2 people who decided to get married. I was freinds with the Wife. Whom despite her many faults introduced me to her husband, He became my big brother. When things were rough with the marriage I was there to help take care of his precious baby girl, because his wife was not. See he was a military man and did what he could to provide for his family. I became their nanny. I loved being there to help raise that baby. Then They decided to split up. Thank goodness.... Even though I came with her as my friend, I left with him because he was now my brother. During the time they were seperated and getting a divorce, I met and fell in love with Brian so I wasn't around quite as much. Also during this time my big brother met a woman. he invited her out to our home in Hawaii and it was the begining of a love and marriage for them with 2 more kids to follow, For me it was a friendship ever so slightly rough but it was because of both our uncertainties regarding this man and his child, soon to realize that we were no threat to them or each other we became friends. Through our struggles our friendship has gotten stronger,  Lost it's way several times and has taken long stretches of seperation. But in the end, the one thing that has always remained is our love for each other. We are still friends, I beleive that in order for us to be the better versions of  our friendship, We both seperately had to find Jesus and heal our wounds of life to be better sisters and friends. I am so excited because this is the first time in 9 years I will get to see them. To spend a weekend with them. To love on their babies and to be in the comfort of my brother whom I have missed terribly. We may not be blood related but he will always be my brother. So as we all have new jobs new lives and new faiths in Jesus and in our lives as we live them. It will be good to see how we interact and how we can become that much closer as a family. So tonight, I thank Jesus that I am able to go see them, To spend the time in the word with Chris and to get to see her baptisted in Jesus's house. To know she is saved and truly a child of God, Jesus is with her and she knows it now. So I can't wait to be there crying my eyes out to know the truth of Jesus is  and will forever be within her. Alright let these next 2 weeks go by quick. sweet..

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